Sunday, March 28, 2010

Blog Assignment #10

One of my classes this semester is 1hour 15 minutes long. I go into class, sit there while my professor takes roll. Then he starts his lecture. About 10-15 minutes into the lecture he goes off on some wild tangent that does not even relate to the course. For the next 45 minutes to an hour, I have to sit there and listen to something that I will not be tested on. To this day, I have not had to open my text book that cost $125.00 that was required for this class. I feel very cheated that I am only getting 10-15 minutes on lecture material. Also while in this class no talking, no laptops, cell phones, etc. are allowed. So I end up sitting there thinking about what I have to do for my next class, what homework I have left and when will this be over!!! This has happened to me before in other classes at South. Will this ever change? How do we go about changing classes like these when the University’s say there is nothing wrong?

1 comment:

  1. I feel the exactly same way. Unfortunately, this happens everywhere. I have been to another school before here and the professors did the exact same thing. What bothers me is that most of our professors are not actual teachers. They may have a Ph.D or a masters in a particular subject but they are not teachers and they talk about nothing that pertains to the class and then they expect for you to know what to study for the test. I have had a few professors here since ive gotten to south that do this exact same thing.
