Wednesday, March 31, 2010


My comments4teachers was on Mrs. Cassidy's blog. She had some really great ideas. I would personally like to try some of these in the future once I graduate.

My name is Marianne Lane, I am from the University of South Alabama in Dr. Strange's EDM 310 class. I will be following your blog for the time being. I will be posting a summary on what I have learned to my blog. My blog is This video was very cool. I have heard of students in elementary schools using these tools, but I didn't really believe it. It is amazing what these kids can do already. Great job!

Hi Mrs. Cassidy,
This was a very interesting post. I agree with you on the students taking turns, cooperation, and compromise being life skills. I think that if the students learn this young enough, it would become natural to share things with others. I never would have thought to use Nintendo DS's in the classroom.

I saw your post and I would like to know more about the process. I think that it would be a great experience to go to Cape Town South Africa. Thanks again!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Comments4Kids Wk 12

I watched a video on the Pt England Way. This video shows that the students are learning responsibility and hard work while still having fun. They did a great job for their first video. I look forward to watching more of them in the future.


I read a poem by a little girl named Hannah. This is what she wrote: "The problem poem
If there's something bothering you
And there's nothing you can do
There's always something good and smart
Right inside of you!"

This was an excellent poem that is very true in life. She did a great job.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Blog Assignment #10

One of my classes this semester is 1hour 15 minutes long. I go into class, sit there while my professor takes roll. Then he starts his lecture. About 10-15 minutes into the lecture he goes off on some wild tangent that does not even relate to the course. For the next 45 minutes to an hour, I have to sit there and listen to something that I will not be tested on. To this day, I have not had to open my text book that cost $125.00 that was required for this class. I feel very cheated that I am only getting 10-15 minutes on lecture material. Also while in this class no talking, no laptops, cell phones, etc. are allowed. So I end up sitting there thinking about what I have to do for my next class, what homework I have left and when will this be over!!! This has happened to me before in other classes at South. Will this ever change? How do we go about changing classes like these when the University’s say there is nothing wrong?

Friday, March 12, 2010

Blog Assignment #9

Alabama Learning Exchange (ALEX)

This website on ALEX is very helpful for teachers and future teachers. There are many options for you to look at. There are topics on Podcast Treasury, Lesson Plans, Personal Workspace, Web Links, Search options. If you want to look at sample lesson plans, all you have to do is check the box on what subject and what grade. It then pulls up sample lesson plans for you to look at. That is very helpful for future teachers or teachers who are just starting. It gives you an idea so you know if you’re going in the right directions. With the podcast treasury, there are several different options for you to listen too. You can listen to podcasts created by students or other teachers. You can use these podcasts in the classroom to help with your lesson plans.
This website is very helpful to new and future teachers. The experienced teacher can also log in too look at anything they are working on. This website is a very helpful tool that teachers should use in developing their lesson plans and teaching students.

Alabama Connecting Classroom, Educators and Students Statewide (ACCESS)

This website on ACCESS could be very helpful for teachers and high school students. I personally never knew about this website until now. I think that if I had access to it in high school, I might have done things different. This website is directed towards teachers and high school students. It gives you information on AP Exams, tests prep, high school graduation exams. For the teachers, it gives you several options to look at counseling, administrators, resources, policy manuals and brochures.
I think that using this website in the classroom would help students to prepare for testing. They can do the test prep to see if they are ready for the exams. There is also a section for parents, so they can know when and where tests are. They can make sure their child is ready to take these exams. There is also technical support with support centers, computer access, computer requirements, computer software, plug ins, specialized downloads and troubling shooting tips just to name a few. This website would be very helpful to new teachers entering their career and for students in high school to know what they need to be studying for these exams.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Blog Assignment #8

Randy Pausch’s Last Lecture:

The first time that I watched this video was 2 ½ years ago. My best friend’s mother had just been diagnosed with cancer. She asked us to watch this video. As I watch this video again today, I am reminded that she had the same spirit as Randy. She didn’t want to dwell on the fact that she had cancer; she just wanted to live her life to the fullest while she was still here. She died 6 months later.
This lecture is truly inspirational. It makes you think of your own childhood dreams and whether or not you have accomplished them. As I look back on my own childhood dreams, I realize that I have not accomplished all of mine. One of my childhood dreams was to dance the lead in Sleeping Beauty. My mom and dad put me in dance at the age of 3. As I continued my training, I realized that I would have to dedicate myself to accomplish this dream. In high school I realized that this particular childhood dream would not come true. I tore my ACL in my right knee. The doctor told me that I had to quit dance or become crippled.
The techniques that Randy uses in this lecture are excellent tools for teachers. I believe the techniques used in this lecture are to introduce the elephant in the room, define the scope of the lecture, have a strong conclusion, be enthusiastic about what your teaching, and don’t be afraid to get personal. These techniques are very useful for teachers. You have to know how to have fun while teaching your students. Enthusiasm while teaching can help your students get more out of the lesson. If you’re excited about it, then your students can latch on to that excitement and learn more. Introducing the elephant in the room can be anything. Whether it’s the lesson, or anything else, identifying it earlier will help. Having a strong conclusion and recapping what you have taught throughout the lesson can help your students retain more information. Don’t be afraid to get personal with your students.

Monday, March 1, 2010


I visited Moturoa's Blog that was on compound sentences. The kids did a really good job. They were very creative.