Sunday, February 28, 2010

Blog Assignment #7

This is how we dream:

These videos were amazing! It really shows us how far we have come in technology. I remember when you wanted to find an article or a book you went to the library. Now, all you have to do is get online to find these items and so much more. I can see how this could be a good thing or a bad thing. On the good side, it gives more people the option to be able to read books or articles online. People and students who don’t have access to a library, this is the option for them. On the bad side, if most everyone is going online to get there books and articles, then who is going in the libraries? Will they even exist in the future?
In the present, the articles you can find online are updated constantly. This gives the faculty and students the most update version of what they are looking for. Now you can go on iTunes U and find educational entries. We didn’t have this when I was growing up. The fact that I can download a lecture to my iPod and listen to it any where is a powerful tool for students.
Understanding the new technologies that are around us is a big key to implementing them in schools. If you don’t have the technology, talk to the administrators and explain to them how this would benefit your classroom and the university. To bring us into the future of technology we have to be willing to learn and keep learning as things change. We have to be able to create new ways to inspire the students so that they want to keep learning and ultimately become better people.

The Networked Student:

This was an interesting way to describe a networked student. It gave me more insight to developing my PLN. I never thought to use delicious in my PLN. I can see now why having a PLN is so important. It can keep you up to date on new entries to blogs, twitter, delicious and so many more.
I know that I am not ready to be a teacher of a networked student. But I do know that by the end of this semester I will be well on my way to being a networked student myself. If we continue to becoming networked students, when we graduate and become teachers we should be ready to be a networked teacher and teach our students how to become a networked student.
The question “Why does the networked student even need a teacher?” The student needs a teacher to show him how to become organized. He needs the teacher to show him how to develop his PLN. The teacher teaches the student how to ask questions to his peers. The teacher teaches the student how to know what is propaganda and what information is accurate. There are many more reasons why a networked student needs a teacher.

Michael Wesch:

This video was very interesting. I agree with Mr. Wesch about many things. I personally have not used you tube much, but I can see why people would. To be able to put your own words out there to be heard by millions of people and to get feedback on what you posted about is amazing to me. I think there are many ways to use you tube in the class room. You can have your students do presentations where they integrate the comments from other people. You can post your lectures so students can review them at home or in the library. You can show the parents what their child is doing in the classroom. There are endless opportunities. If we all show the kindness that the guy did with the free hugs, this world could be a better place for our kids to learn from. Maybe there wouldn’t be so much hatred in the world if we listened to each other more.


I commented on Kelli C. How to take care of your horse. It was a very detailed essay. I felt as though I could go and take care of a horse now that I know what to do. She did a great job!


  1. I think Kelli C. was very informative and interesting. I want to groom a horse now.Great Job!

  2. The more understanding we have of technology the easier it will be to implement them into schools.

  3. You write "...then who is going in the libraries? Will they even exist in the future?" Answers: fewer and fewer students. Libraries will last for at least 10 more years in most places, then they will rapidly disappear where supported by public funds except where the library is unusually large or has some special collection, or has a large endowment that will allow survival over a longer time period. Instead the Library of the World will be on everyone's iPad and open 24/7 with lightening fast access and service and no late fees.

    If you ever get started using Delicious you will wonder how you did without it for so long!

    Excellent, thoughtfully written post.
