Monday, February 1, 2010

Blog Assignment #3

Smart Board Lesson:

There is so much that teachers can do in the classroom with the Smart boards. I find it amazing that teacher can record their lecture or instructions and the students go back later and view them and refresh themselves with the material. For the students who learn by repetition, this is very helpful for them. There are many more options we have now with the Smart Boards.

Kid Cast:

I agree with Dan Schmit on Pod casting. It’s come along way in the last year. I feel the same way about this as I do about the Smart Boards. Once again you can record your material for your students and then post it for them to review later. You could record your whole lecture that you would cover or you could just cover the main points for them to remember from class. The possibilities are endless with pod casting.

Connect Learning Episode # 91:

This was very interesting. There are so many different ways to use pod casting. I never really thought about using pod casting for the library. This brings many more options for students. When students are looking for a book online, they can see if there is a pod cast for this book or article. You could do a book review, or have a review session with several different students talking about their point of view of the book or article.


In this pod cast, the talk about gaming in schools is different. It does teach someone that if you don’t get it right the first time, you have to keep trying until you can reach that goal or level. With educational games available, I think we should incorporate more in schools. It brings learning to a whole new level. It makes it more fun and interesting. It could grab a student’s attention that normally would be bored and not paying attention in class because they need to do than see.

MacBreak Weekly:

I chose MacBreak Weekly # 177 about the iPad. This was definitely an interesting pod cast. There has been so much hype about the iPad. I think that the iPad has lived up to the hype. It seems to be a lot like the iPhone or the iPhone touch. I think this is the next step into the future for tablets. There is so much that you can do on this. I believe that this tablet is the way of the future.

This Week in Photography:

I chose pod cast # 118. This pod cast is about To Retouch or Not To Retouch. They talked about several different things. I thought the part about the kids putting together the camera themselves was interesting. If the child has to put the camera together themselves, they understand the importance of the camera. They learn the inside and out of the camera instead of just point and click. The images that the kids can take can be rather astounding. They see things differently than adults. In some ways they see the innocence in a picture than an adult would see. Kids see things differently than adults do. The pictures that the kids can create are amazing.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you about smart boards and kid cast lesson. They are both great resources for teaching and learning, and like you said, the possibilities are endless. I also liked your opinion on the photography pod cast. It could be very beneficial for a child to put together a camera so they understand the importance more. I love your opinion about the innocence of kids; they definitely do see things differently than adults and it's awesome to be able to witness that.
